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5 Ways to Celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week

5 Ways to Celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week

It’s almost Teacher Appreciation Week! We know that teachers deserve so much more than just a week but we love using this time to touch base with our coworkers and make sure everyone feels appreciated. We came up with these 5 ideas to make celebrating Teacher...

Teaching Resources for Spring

Teaching Resources for Spring

Spring is here and everyone is excited about warmer weather and longer days. Living in upstate New York we definitely appreciate Spring! But as teachers, we know that Spring comes with a lot of drawbacks as well!  It seems like the kids somehow double their energy and...

Outdoor Learning Ideas

Outdoor Learning Ideas

As the weather gets warmer, it is only natural that we all want to get a little stir crazy. Our favorite way of fighting the spring fever is to find ways to make learning happen outside the classroom. Below we’re sharing our top outdoor learning ideas to give both you...

trending resources

Hi, we’re Kelly and Stephanie, the special education teacher and school administer duo behind Double Dose of Learning! We LOVE to connect with teachers and create engaging resources for all learners. We have a passion for instilling a love of learning in the classroom and doing what is best for kids. The two of us have been teacher besties for 12 years and first became friends because of our love for Charlotte’s Web! From there, we brought chapter books to life in our self-contained classrooms. We live in Western New York, love every second of our most favorite titles of #boymom and we both have rescued fur babies, travel to Disney whenever feasible, shop way too much on Amazon, and drink an excessive amount of coffee and sometimes wine!

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