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Flag Day Activities for First and Second Grade
If you’re anything like us, you’re just counting down the days until the end of the year! With all of the end of year activities, it can be hard to keep students engaged in learning. So how can you combat the end of year burnout? By teaching your class about Flag Day!...
Summer Math Crafts for First and Second Grade
The end of the school year is nearing and what better way to keep your students engaged and learning than with fun math crafts! These summer themed math crafts are the perfect way to review math skills at the end of the year. Your students will love cutting, pasting,...
Top Sensory Tools for the Classroom
As teachers we all strive to make our classrooms accessible and welcoming for all of our students. One way of ensuring this is providing appropriate sensory stimulation. In our experience working in SPED, we love incorporating sensory tools into the classroom. Today...
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